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26 Desember 2011

SUMMARY OF : Perspective of Student Center Learning

Perspective of Student Center Learning
Muhammad Fajrul Falah  (092410101018)
Information System Study Program- University of Jember

     Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for them to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society.
     Educational problems that occurred in Indonesia, one of them is the presence of a fairly wide gap between the knowledge possessed by students with the attitudes and behavior. Many students who have a well knowledge on the lecture material, do not have ability to apply such knowledge to improve the quality of life.
     The purposes of this paper are to know how to apply Student Centered Learning to learning process on university; to know whether Student Centered Learning can change student’s paradigm on learning and to know the effect of the application of Student Centered Learning to student’s academic achievement.
     The method used in this paper or research in literature study. Some literacy, such  as experts opinion and published research result are analyzed to construct a perfect answer for each problems.
     Learning in university can be defined as programmed activities in the design of the FEE (facilitating, empowering, enabling), that encourage students to be active on exploring the learning resources. Thus, learning is a process of creative thinking development that can enhance students' thinking skills, as well as to improve and to construct new knowledge as an effort to enhance a good student’s ability and performance.
     Understanding the three main elements described above, will be useful to support the effective application of learning methods on SCL model. The methods are: (1) small group discussion, (2) role-play and simulation, (3) case study, (4) discovery learning, (5) self-directed learning, (6) cooperative learning; (7) collaborative learning; (8) contextual learning; (9) project based learning, and (10) problem based learning and inquiry.
Several learning methods based on the natural learning and the uniqueness of individuals that need to be developed are collaborative learning, learning problem based, portfolio, project team, resource-based learning (Fairuz El Said, 2010). Various research on SCL showed that the SCL will improve achievement, positive interpersonal relationships and self-esteem, more than competitive or individualistic efforts (Siti Mutmainah, 2011). Siti Mutmainah. (2011) noted that there are 10 facts that are related to success of this method, one of them come from the results of research by Felder and Brent (1996) which states that this approach increases motivation for learning, memory knowledge, depth of understanding and appreciation of the subject.
In order to implement SCL effectively and efficiently, the first that should be considered is the perspective on learning, so the learner not longer depend on the teachers (lecturers) only. Once this perspective changed , the FEE can be applied for student. This implementation regime  students to be proactive in the learning process.
The implementation of SCL can change the student learning style. Students are encourage to conduct independent observations so that students will be more active and more aware of what they need, while lecturers play the role as a guide (a guide on the side).
The implementation of SCL also leads students to achieve a higher performance, besides the processes and information exchange more efficient and effective will run. The students also achieve a higher productivity, positive relationships among them.
The advice that can be given to the students are they should be active in the learning process and do not only depend on the lecturer. Furthermore, since Student Centered Learning is more meaningful than a detailed explanation from the lecturer, there should be an assignment that forced the students to be active.

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