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01 Desember 2010

Contoh Tabel Requirement Divisi HIMASIF

4 GET: I am a busy man...

We have a busy man...

Hahaha I love that... perhaps it match predicate for Me at this month.

Yeah at this month I am very busy because I join in a big project in my University. The project called SIMPT (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi) it is about design and developing a Management System Information for College. It is a sample of JAD (Join Applied Design/ Develop) and RAD (Rappid Applied Design/ Develop). Altough called rappid it's waste lot of my time. It causes my eyes be red, It causes I can not sleep at afternoon until midnight so I can sleep on dawn until morning. It causes I come late for lecture. Do you know if this project is a secret project??? I just know it about three day ago. SIMPT is a profesional project, so I will get salary for that. But I don't know how much is it. And I also do not know when I will get It. I don't care about it because Salary is not My target. My target is only get Experience join in a Project System Team. Perhaps experience can change me be a profesional. My task in the project is make Work Flow with Microsoft Visio 2007 after interview with authorities and then announce it on Event List table. Begin it is so much fun but so far so make me crazy. Many revision deadline in a hour etc.

I need refreshing and get a massage because usually I must sit for dealing with my laptop more than 10 hour a day to finish my task in the project and in the lecture plus task of the conversation class on GET. I must update my Blog every week!! For update my status in Facebook I have not time. I type this blog in stress condition so please understand. Perhaps only it which can I type at the my spare time now. Sorry if in this post I have many mistake. And please for comment it.
Thank You and Wassalam....