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01 November 2010

This is About Me....

   Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
    Actually too lazy for me to open my blog. Now is very exhausting semester for me futhermore sets a blog is difficult. I prefer to use my facebook account than posting something in my blog. I make my blog at September 2009 but I must activate it again now. Huuuuuuuuuuuhh....

    Now, we are begin.... ..... ..... ..... Sorry I still confused for find a good theme. Perhaps “This is about me”.... ya it is theme whichever good enough for me.
    OK.. I will tell you about Me, my self and litle of my family. First, my name is Muhammad Fajrul Falah. I was born in Bondowoso at February 13th , 1992... ya eighteen years

ago. My family is a moslem family and have three children and I am the 3th. My father name is

Ahmad Subqi. Then, He is 52 years old. Then, He is Banyuwangi people. Then his job is a teacher in a junior high school in Bondowoso. Next, about My Mom, her name is Rif’ah. She is
from Pasuruan. She is passed away at January 3th ago in 48 years old, after hospitalized in Bina Sehat Hospital bacuse a sick. And I don’t know what kind of sick which causes it until
now. Perhaps because diabetes... I don’t know... Next, about my first sister, her name is A’isyatus Sholihah ( with apostrope) called Uum she is 25 years old. And she just get married at September 20th ago. She is a worker in Permodalan Nasional Mandiri (PNM) in Rambipuji. And she live with her mother in law Now. Next My second sister. Her name is Mar’atus Sholihah called Kiki. She is 23 years old she is Agricultural Scholar.

    Next we will focus about myself.  Altough I was born in Bondowoso do not ask me about Bondowoso, cause about Bondowoso I only know Gerbong Maut monument ad Tape ( it is a traditional food from Bondowoso, it is fermented cassava. Perhaps its called Peuyem in West Java). Then I schools in MIMA KH. Shiddiq (a kind of religion elementary school) then, Jember 1 state Junior High School. Then, Jember 4 state Senior High School. And now I am a University of Jember (UNEJ) student, specially on Program Study of Information System maybe become cool if called CIS (Computer and Information System). 

    OK.. maybe only that which is I can tell you about me. Sorry if in this post have a many mistake. And please for comment this post and this blog. Whooa..... amazing!!! I can type more than 400 words in english... Alhamdulillah Thanks God...

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

To be continued....

Miss Bilqis I broke your challenge.... hihihihihi....

6 komentar:

  1. Fajrul, I'm so sorry to hear obout you mom.
    When I read your task, there is a word in my mind, "miracolous".

  2. I am so sorry too...about your mom. have been write more than 400 words in english....

  3. yeah, it is true indeed.
    his first writing is awesome.
    I am not even able to write this many about my self.
    You're great jroel...
    keep going on!!
    you can read the other rewards about your writing in my blog. khekekeke...

    and guys!
    we are starting the grammar editing now!
    can you see where fajrul goes wrong in his first writing?

    to fajrul:
    that's okay jroel, we are not going to criticize your writing. we only do a little correction so that we can get better!!!

  4. jroel we are waiting for your comments

  5. Mr hendral did I write miracolous or miraculous?
    if I wrote the first, then I have to say sorry for making mistake huhuhuhu..... T_T
    the corrext one is the second...

  6. Thank's All... for reads my blog.

    but sorry before I have not had time to reads your post because I was busy monitoring the UNEJ stand in Jember Expo...

    Thank You a lot....
